Public Blog

Public Blog

This may be the first entry into this Public Blog for the church that meets in Wasilla.  We are remaining active throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, but have scalled back some of our evangelistic efforts.  We had hoped to rent a storefront in one of the strip malls in town to conduct walk in Bible Studies.  The elders have determined that this should be delayed during the COVID pandemic.  However we are still actively looking for a location in Willow to begin meetings there on Sundays. 

We cancelled our door knocking efforst last fall due to the virus, however we anticipate resuming them this spring.  In the meantime we are continuing to mailout the "House to House, Heart to Heart" publication and we have a mass mailing planned for the next couple of weeks.  This mailing will be a personal invitation to visit with us and a brocuhure that introduces us and sumarizes our worship activities. 

We are continuing our radio program on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM but have changed the format somewhat.  While most of these will be the regular single person teaching format, we are using a "Talk Show" format for some of them.  These "Talk Shows" will involve two or three of our membes answering questions that we typically get.  In addition, for the past four months and continuing for at least one more month, we have produced a "One Minute for God" radio spot.  These are one minute lessons that are broadcast three times a day for six days a week.  The subject changes weekly and the teacher changes monthly.

While our attendance dropped for a while over the last few months, it has rebounded and is nearly back to normal now.  We are continuing our regular meeting schedules and do not foresee any changes in them at this time.  However, the Elders are paying close attention to the COVID-19 virus and may make changes so watch the website for any modifications to our meeting schedule. 

We hope that you decide to visit with us!

Church Growth

How to prevent the church from growing.

Thursday, July 22, 2021


Taken from "The Chandleer Christian"

Do you want to see the church grow? Do you want to see the local congregation where you worship grow? There are many things which actually prevent growth in the local congregation. Such as:

1.  Very simply, but highly important, don't invite people to Bible Study or Worship services – IF you don't want the church to grow.

2.  Don't keep preachers around very long. The most productive years of a minister's work starts AFTER the fourth or fifth year. IF you are not interested in the church growing, insist on a change of preachers every two or three years.

3.  Don't be enthusiastic about the local congregations' work – IF you don't want the church to grow. Passive churches rarely attract new members.

4.  Always depend upon someone else in the congregation to give – IF you don't want the church to grow. God expects everyone else in the church to give – BUT ME. Don't give and the church will remain about the same as it is – or go down.

5.  Never plan for growth. Only plan for the present number of church members and current programs – IF you don't want the church to grow.

6.  Suffer from the "cut-back" syndrome – IF you don't want the church to grow. Since we have suffered inflationary times we must "cut-back". Don’t challenge the brethren to accept challenges and sacrifice – IF you don't want the church to grow.

You see, all one has to do to insure a Lack of church growth is NOT DO ANYTHING. Without doubt that will be a successful method to kill the growth of the local church.

Are YOU interested in seeing THIS CHURCH grow??? I am just optimistic enough to believe that YOU ARE!! Will YOU become involved – and will YOU sacrifice, if necessary, to see that this congregation will continue in both spiritual and numerical growth?  DO YOU WANT THE CHURCH TO GROW??? NOW BAD??!!!!!  

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