About Us

About Us


The church of Christ at wasilla is a group of believers who share a common salvation in Jesus Christ. It is our goal to glorify God, and honor Christ, in all that we do. Therefore, we seek to live, worship, and love one another just as God directs in His holy word; the Bible. Together we pool our abilities and resources to accomplish the work God authorizes us to do, while being autonomous and functioning independently from other congregations and organizations.


In relation to the church, Christ is our head and we are His body. Therefore, we recognize no other man, group of men, or governing body as possessing legislative power in matters of church organization or doctrine.


Having no man-made creed, or creeds, to follow, we are governed in faith and conduct by the Bible alone.  We accept the Bible as being verbally inspired and infallibly correct in its content. Consequently, when the Bible speaks on any given subject, we accept its pronouncement as the word of God and our only authority.  When the Bible is silent on a subject, we believe we are not authorized to act.


Our congregation assembles together twice each Sunday to Worship God.  We offer Bible classes for all ages on Sundays at 10 am and Wednesdays at 7:00 pm. During our worship, we sing, pray, partake of the Lord’s Supper, hear the Gospel proclaimed, and give monetarily to God. While our visitors are always welcome to participate in our services, it is not our aim to solicit their money. What we truly desire is to simply teach them what God’s word has to say about the salvation of their soul. We sing A capella, as scripture doesn't authorize the accompaniment of musical instruments.

On Sunday morning and Wednesday evening we provide Bible classes for all ages. Our classes are well organized, well prepared, age appropriate, and centered on the Scriptures. All are welcome and encouraged to come and study God’s word on these occasions.


Due to one of our Elders moving outside, and a second resigning our, Eldership has been discontinued.  While one of the Elders remained, the Biblical pattern requires a plurality of Elders, therefore the sole remaining Elder steped down from that position.  The men of the congregation collectively make decisions concerning our congragation.  Our Evangelist and preachers are neither pastors nor Elders.  Although they could be if they met the qualifications laid down by Paul in his letters to Timothy and Titus.  They are simply men who have dedicated their lifes to proclaiming God’s word to the lost and helping to edify our congregation of believers.

Our Elders


Our Deacons





As a congregation, we financially support our local evangelist, as well as other preachers throughout the world, in order to aid them in their efforts to proclaim the Gospel message. We also conduct gospel meetings at various times of the year, publish spiritual material on the internet, and offer home Bible studies, as well as Bible correspondence courses, to anyone interested.

Our Evangelist

George Jensen

Bill Beebe (Retired)


Tom Betti

Joe Murdock

Charles Nordstrom

Eddie Maxwell